Contact Dr. Hatherley:

Dr. Hatherley has a Ph.D. in psychology. He has studied Western literature, history, religion, politics, economics and philosophy. He has also explored Eastern thought as represented by Chinese Taoism, Japanese Zen, and Indian Buddhism.
For over twenty years, Dr. Hatherley practiced psychotherapy, and for the past ten years has offered education in mental and emotional development. Throughout his career, Dr. Hatherley has explored one key question, “What, if anything, is necessary to make human life internally satisfying and meaningful?”
Dr. Hatherley currently resides in Logan, Utah where he offers workshops, classes, and individual consultations in the internal development necessary to create lasting happiness.
For More Information On
Scheduling Individual Sessions,
Signing Up For Zoom Classses,
Or Enrolling in Professional Training:
Phone Office/Landline—435-932-6848