Understand Internal Vs. External Life – Then Master Both!
As much as we try to ignore, deny, explain or distract away from it, being alive is an unsolvable mystery that is sometimes cruel, sometimes inspiring and joyful, and often frightening. The mystery that most affects human beings is the fact that unlike other animals we have the potential to develop self-awareness, and with it the ability to understand significant portions of ourselves, other people, life and Nature.
Fulfilling our human potential to be self-aware, and to work toward understanding life’s mysteries, is the beginning of an internal life. However, if we do not fulfill these potentials, then we either fail to develop an internal life, or we are so superficial that we create more disappointment than inspiration, joy, love and wisdom.
A complete internal life is the result of mastering our mental and emotional, or internal needs and potentials. Internal needs are defined by our universal need for self-worth, purpose, meaning, intimacy, beauty, wisdom, etc. Internal potentials are defined by our uniquely human potential to understand, care, master, create and contribute.
By contrast, external life is defined by every need and potential outside our minds and emotions—like our external need for food, clothing, shelter, transportation, etc., or our potential to be physically healthy, professionally successful, financially secure, etc.
In normal life, we merge internal with external needs and wants, as well as potentials, so rather than create clear definitions and a detailed understanding of ourselves, life and other people, we create a confusing chaos of feelings, beliefs, and vague notions.
The lack of clearly defining internal vs. external life is the major reason human beings have failed to evolve mentally and emotionally. As a result, we still fail to understand internal experiences: like how to create intimacy in long-term romantic relationships, or how to parent children so they grow-up not just able to make a living, but also develop a complete self-worth, can understand themselves, life and other people, and have the skills and awareness necessary to create internal fulfillment and lasting happiness.
Instead of evolving, after almost two hundred thousand years of human existence on planet Earth, we still cannot live in harmony with Nature, or each other. We are still motivated by fear and greed, resolve conflicts with violence, exploit the weak, and as a species, prefer to distract with drugs, alcohol and mindless entertainments, rather than learn how to create intensely satisfying and truly meaningful internal and external lives.
If we look at the world through the eyes of an all-powerful Creator, we could imagine how He might feel disappointed in homo sapiens and be inclined to wipe the slate clean (eliminate the species), consider it a failed experiment, and then try again learning from His initial mistakes! Even if the Creator lets us live, we may still drive ourselves extinct from a failure to master our internal needs and potentials.
Should we want to not just survive, but also fulfill our potentials motivated by a desire to flourish on a planet we are internally competent to make healthy and beautiful—or perhaps, just want to live out our lives internally fulfilled, then we need to concretely define internal vs. external life, needs and wants, feelings and facts, reality and fantasy, and every human potential.
Evolution in science has come about because we have systematically defined layer upon layer of observable facts and experiences in our everyday lives. Prior to the scientific method, however, our progress in understanding Nature was glacially slow.
After the scientific method was adopted, our external progress has been phenomenal—but our internal development has not kept pace. Now, we need to adopt the scientific method to study not just Nature, but ourselves, so we can first learn how to learn, and then master every internal and external need, potential, and developmental task.
It has been my life’s work to lay the foundation necessary to understand ourselves, life, and each other for the innocent purpose of creating satisfying and meaningful lives, internally bonded relationships, and an evolving world where everyone learns to express love, pursue truth, experience and create beauty, and develop wisdom.
Very insightful. Seeking to grow and mature in love, discipline and power as a human being, I am always open to learning new insights regarding the body, soul, spirit and the world in general.