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Dedicated to Helping People Create the Ultimate Satisfaction — A Meaningful Life

Paul Hatherley, Ph.D.
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About Dr. Hatherley

Dr Hatherley

Dr. Hatherley has a Ph.D. in psychology. He has studied English and American literature, history, religion, and philosophy.  He has also explored Eastern thought as represented by Chinese Taoism, Indian Buddhism, and Japanese Zen.


The resulting synthesis of East and West has helped him develop the insight necessary to answer the age-old question, “What, if anything, will create an internal experience of being alive that is truly satisfying and genuinely meaningful?”


For over twenty years, Dr. Hatherley practiced psychotherapy. For the past eight years, he has provided education in mental and emotional development. His primary focus is on helping each student fulfill his/her potential to be a consciously content & internally-fulfilled person, satisfying mate, competent parent, and real friend.